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Featuring: Divorced Potchefstroom South Africa - Signup to Our Free Dating Site Today!
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Először barátság, amit szeretnék.
Age 53 From Hódmezovásárhely, Hungary
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Woman Seeking A Man (4829 Miles Away)
Kedves, jó humorú, udvarias férfira, aki szeret olvasni.
I am a cool $ good at Keeping it simple
Age 32 From Stirling, United Kingdom
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Woman Seeking A Man (3600 Miles Away)
I am cool woman. Believes in life and love. Keeping cool, simple and optimistic. I am seeking for a man in his 35 to 45 years, who share same thing.
Plane jane searching for her soul mate
Age 55 From Uitenhage, South Africa
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Woman Seeking A Man (8561 Miles Away)
I am just a plane jane who believes that honesty is the best policy i still have a great amount of respect for myself and my body and I am a homely and private person and very straight forward and I love to see others happy and content im shy till I...
Liberi per sempre
Age 50 From Poggiomarino, Italy
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Woman Seeking A Man (4829 Miles Away)
Sinceramente sincera x sempre sinceramente sincera
Jsem obyčejná vesla holka
Age 52 From Písnice, Czech Republic
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Woman Seeking A Man (4468 Miles Away)
Prostě veselá holka. Mám ráda sport, cestování .
Légy humoros, de komoly is ha kell,
Age 49 From Szigetszentmiklós, Hungary
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Woman Seeking A Man (4744 Miles Away)
Kékszeműm stőkésbarna hajam van, egy kicsit telt, de imádok mozogni, kirándúkni, jókat nevetni
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